Before you recored your next video, consider these tips on presentation. Your videos will be viewed by thousands, and you want to be the individual they hire. People want to see your passion, expertise and authenticity.
1: Organize and be very clear in conveying what you would like to say. Jot down the purpose of your video on an index card so that you will get the clarity needed. Decide on the main points and present your audience with a road map. Whatever points you may have, just tell them. People usually like numbers and it also gives a reference point which will help to keep both of you on same page. You have to ask yourself, “How shall I make it easier so that viewer can understand?” If you are organized and stay focused it becomes easier for them to understand what you say.
2: Keep the sentences short. When you are writing the script, you can check whether a sentence is said in one go or not. If you take a full deep breath prior to the beginning of the next sentence, you voice becomes richer and clear. By taking a deep breath intentionally, you can give the viewers a short time to understand what you have said. There are filler words like ah ans um which many people use these words unintentionally to join the entire speech together. You should think of each sentence as a complete thought which will lessen these irritating words, people will stay focused on the message you want to convey.
3: While saying your name, ensure that the pitch is low towards the end. If it goes up it will sound as if it is a question and people may question you. Observe famous TV personalities while they utter their name, you can feel that it goes down towards the end.
4: Eliminate gestures which are distracting. Repetitive gestures that are done unintentionally distract attention from the message you want to convey. If you use facial expressions, it will increase the liveliness. If your facial expressions and gestures align with the words you speak, it will add to the impact and helps to build trust. Establish a soft eye contact with the camera.
5: Use descriptive words when giving a testimonial or telling a short story. Think about how to make it more alive and visual. For example one story might start like, “A woman entered into the clinic to seek an appointment…” Now consider “A clearly overworked and frustrated woman stepped into my clinic with a determination to get relief…” Remove words which cause boredom and include those words which add to the interest of the listener.
6: You should wear bright colors. Cameras usually find it difficult to respond to colors like white, black or red. You can wear pastels or blue. Have you received compliments related to a color you wore? Think about wearing that color. Color certainly makes a difference. You should avoid pinstripe, checkered and loud patterns. The background should be in accordance with the message.
7: Relax your body, loosen up your muscles. Think about how you feel passionate about your service or product. What purpose does it serve? To whom do you want to offer your services and who is the right client? Talk to them with conviction. Be enthusiastic from your heart and it will reach the person who is watching the video.
Please comment and let me know how you’ve used video successfully in your business, and if you want to get started with video, feel free to contact me at (561) 444-8860